
Caregiver Conversations

Older adult with laptop

Caregiver Journey Conversations with Carallel are 30 minute, fireside chat style virtual conversations that tackle the tough topics we face as caregivers. They happen monthly and are open to the public. Join us for some camaraderie and practical tips.

A Caregiver Conversation by Carallel: A Guided Meditation for Family Caregivers

Matt Perrin, Carallel’s Director of Caregiver Engagement, is joined by Dr. Jeff Rubin, Carallel’s Chief Clinical Officer who leads a guided meditation for family caregivers. Join us for this 30 minute dose of relaxation and renewal! Featured Experts Contact Carallel if you’re a health plan, healthcare provider, or employer, and see how our human led + A Caregiver Conversation by Carallel: A Guided Meditation for Family Caregivers

Confronting the Stigma: How to Enhance Caregiver Support at End-of-Life 

End-of-life care presents unique logistical and emotional challenges for family caregivers, who often face stigma surrounding decision-making, complex care needs, and misperceptions about palliative and hospice care. Our CEO, Shara Cohen, recently spoke on a panel at HLTH 2023, discussing how healthcare organizations can enhance the caregiving experience for these dedicated individuals.