Caregivers are a hidden force

Carallel provides personalized guidance and digital health tools to identify caregivers and empower them to confidently manage the twists and turns of caregiving.

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Caregiver Insight Study

What caregivers are saying:

say Carallel reduced their stress
say Carallel improved their decisions
rated Carallel as valuable

See how innovative caregiver support pays off

Human-led and tech-enabled solutions designed for caregivers.

Carallel’s Care Advocates

Highly trained experts serve as on-demand personal support guides to help caregivers along their unique journeys. They lend an empathetic and experienced ear via phone, email or chat. Trained in our H.E.A.R.T model, our Care Advocates also serve as the national help desk for the Caregiver Action Network.

Working with a Care Advocate Supporting with H.E.A.R.T.
Expertise at the Ready Helping caregivers get unstuck
Advance Care Planning Something to tackle now

Information to rely on

Caregiving leads people into uncharted territory. Carallel’s digital platform and resources make it easy to find trusted answers all along the way.

Built for a shared experience

Caregiving is often a team effort. The Carallel Companion app is a secure platform where caregivers can find personalized guidance and training, coordinate tasks within their Circle of Care and find a new community of peers.

In-depth insights

Health care organizations and employers gain a better understanding of their caregivers and can uncover new, valued opportunities to support them and their whole health.

Get in Touch

See how we can help the caregivers you care about

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The latest from Carallel

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Caregiver Journey Webinar

A Caregiver Conversation by Carallel: How to Get the Most Out of Your Health Plan While Caregiving

We dive into what makes caregiving after a hospital stay so intense–and offer ways to make it easier….

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Caregiver Journey Webinar

A Caregiver Conversation by Carallel: How to Get the Most Out of Your Health Plan While Caregiving

We dive into the basics, benefits, and challenges of working with a health insurance company while caregiving….

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Caregiver Journey Webinar

A Caregiver Conversation by Carallel: Five Ways to Reduce Expenses While Caregiving

There isn’t a magic wand you can wave to bring expenses to $0. But there are little things you can do that can add up to meaningful…