Caregiver Journey Webinar | 03/24/23

A Caregiver Conversation by Carallel: A Lack of Health Equity for Caregivers. And What We Can Do About It.

There is a lack of health equity for millions of caregivers. So what can we do about it?

According to the 2020 and 2015 editions of AARP’s ‘Caregiving in the U.S.’ Report, nearly 40% of caregivers in the U.S. are BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color), and LGBTQ+ people are more likely to be caregivers compared to non-LGBTQ+ people.

Yet there is a glaring gap in health equity for caregivers in these, and other, communities.

So in this Caregiver Journey Conversation with Carallel, Matt Perrin is joined by Dr. Nicole Rochester, the Founder of Your GPS Doc, to discuss how this gap manifests itself in everyday life for millions of caregivers, and to share practical tips for caregivers to manage through (until the system catches up).

Dr. Rochester is a physician, health equity consultant, TedX speaker, and former family caregiver–so she has fantastic perspective to share.

Dr. Nicole Rochester Founder and CEO, Your GPS Doc

Dr. Nicole Rochester is a Board-Certified pediatrician with over 20 years of experience practicing and teaching medicine. She is a former family caregiver, an independent health advocate, healthcare navigation expert, speaker, consultant, and author. She is the founder and CEO of Your GPS Doc, LLC, an innovative company that elevates the voices of patients and family caregivers through private health advocacy services and provides health equity and patient/family engagement consulting services to dynamic healthcare organizations seeking to transform the way they provide medical care to their communities.

Matt Perrin Director of Caregiver Engagement, Carallel

Matt is a family caregiver for his mother who is living with Alzheimer’s Disease. At Carallel, Matt drives the digital content development and distribution strategy. His focus is on supporting caregivers by providing the practical, relatable, and informative perspective people need — wherever they may be in their journey of caring for a loved one.

Contact Carallel if you’re a health plan, healthcare provider, or employer, and see how our human led + tech enabled service will make you the leader in your industry when it comes to supporting caregivers.

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