Caregiver Journey Webinar | 06/02/23
A Caregiver Conversation by Carallel: 7 Pieces of Adaptive Equipment All Caregivers Should Know About

Adaptive equipment is often a vital tool in achieving and/or preserving the best possible quality of life for our loved ones. Yet we aren’t often aware of it until we absolutely need it.
Matt Perrin is joined by Cindy Hardin-Weiss, MSPT, and Christina Hardin-Weiss, MS/SLP, for this Caregiver Journey Conversation by Carallel. Cindy is a Physical Therapist by training while Christina is a Speech Therapist, and together they are Co-Founders of Adaptive Equipment & Caregiving Corner.
They’re eternally knowledgeable and a ton of fun to talk with so we couldn’t be happier to have them join us for this discussion.
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Cindy is a Physical Therapist while Christina is a Speech Therapist, and together they founded Adaptive Equipment and Caregiving Corner. They produce practical (and entertaining!) videos that make caregivers aware, and demonstrate proper use, of adaptive equipment and devices.

Matt spent 8+ years as a family caregiver for his mother who was living with Alzheimer’s Disease. At Carallel, Matt drives the digital content development and distribution strategy. His focus is on supporting caregivers by providing the practical, relatable, and informative perspective people need — wherever they may be in their journey of caring for a loved one.
Contact Carallel if you’re a health plan, healthcare provider, or employer, and see how our human led + tech enabled service will make you the leader in your industry when it comes to supporting caregivers.
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