Caregiver Journey Webinar | 04/20/22

The Caregiver Journey: Respite Care–What It Is, Why You Need It, and How to Find It

53 million people in the U.S. provide unpaid care for a loved one and only a fraction of them get regular breaks from their care work. The lack of respite can have adverse effects on a family caregiver’s mental and physical health.

In this Caregiver Journey webinar, we help the audience understand what respite care is, why we need it as caregivers, and how to find available options in our local communities. Matt Perrin, Director of Caregiver Engagement at Carallel, will be joined by Carol Bradley Bursack, creator of Minding Our Elders, for this session.

Matt Perrin

Matt is a family caregiver for his mother who is living with Alzheimer’s Disease. Challenges he encountered while trying to find the right care led him to start Ro & Steve, a senior care review website built for consumers.

At Carallel, Matt drives the digital content development and distribution strategy. His focus is on supporting caregivers by providing the practical, relatable, and informative perspective people need — wherever they may be in their journey of caring for a loved one. 

Carol Bradley Bursack

Carol spent more than two decades as the primary caregiver for a combination of seven elders and is the author of Minding Our Elders: Caregivers Share Their Personal Stories. She is also a long-time newspaper columnist, blogger, and writer for online websites on the topics of eldercare and caregiver support.

Contact Carallel if you’re a health plan, healthcare provider, or employer, and see how our human led + tech enabled service will make you the leader in your industry when it comes to supporting caregivers.

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