Caregiver Journey Webinar | 01/19/22

The Caregiver Journey: Seven Home Safety Tips to Prevent Falls For Your Loved One

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 36 million falls are reported among older adults each year in the United States, with 3 million of those resulting in a visit to the emergency department.

Yet falls do not need to be a given that comes along with aging. In this webinar, Carallel and senior care expert and innovator Andrea Cohen, share simple ways to assess your loved one’s fall risk at home and seven practical tips you can use today to reduce the risk of your loved one falling at home.

We need to understand what the risk factors are and it’s also really important to understand how the person you’re concerned about goes through their day.

Andrea Cohen
Andrea Cohen Founder, HouseWorks

Andrea Cohen is a social entrepreneur dedicated to transforming the way that care is delivered to seniors at home. A visionary leader and nationally recognized expert in care delivery, she has spent her entire career in the aging field as a creator, innovator, and influencer. Andrea is committed to leveraging her business accomplishments to create a powerful force for bringing about social change. A tireless advocate, her vision for all of her business endeavors crystallized over 30 years ago when she took care of both her parents and became committed to using her voice to make a difference.

Matt Perrin Director of Caregiver Engagement

Matt is a family caregiver for his mother who is living with Alzheimer’s Disease. Challenges he encountered while trying to find the right care led him to start Ro & Steve, a senior care review website built for consumers. At Carallel, Matt drives the digital content development and distribution strategy. His focus is on supporting caregivers by providing the practical, relatable, and informative perspective people need — wherever they may be in their journey of caring for a loved one.

Contact Carallel if you’re a health plan, healthcare provider, or employer, and see how our human led + tech enabled service will make you the leader in your industry when it comes to supporting caregivers.

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