Webinar | 09/04/21

Caregiver Support: The unserved, critical need for health plans

Nearly 30% of adults in the US are caregivers for loved ones. Designing a Caregiver Support Benefit to address their needs can be a crucial strategy for health plans in attracting members and driving better outcomes.

Left unsupported family caregivers are largely stressed, burned out and uncertain whether the decisions they make are the best for them or their loved one. This strain creates medical risk in Medicare populations and lost productivity in commercial ones and it is putting pressure on health plan administrators and product leaders to develop programs that address the need. Carallel provides concrete opportunities to address their needs and, in turn, drive better outcomes.

A Hidden Force for Driving Outcomes

This creates great opportunity for health plans to provide needed assistance, earn trust, and influence outcomes. For health plans and provider entities planning benefits and care models, particularly those considering CMS-approved supplemental benefits, this webinar provides:

  • Key insights into available and meaningful support
  • Best practices in caregiver identification and activation
  • Practical guidance for designing a differentiated benefit for Medicare, Commercial and Medicaid
  • First steps to ensure implementation excellence
Alan Spiro Chief Medical Advisor, Carallel

Alan is a 30+ year healthcare veteran with both an MD and MBA and is a Medical Advisor to Carallel. He has served senior vice president for strategy and analytics and chief medical officer for Blue Health Intelligence, chief medical officer at Medica, and co-founded Accolade.

Shara Cohen CEO, Carallel

Shara has spent more than 20 years helping healthcare organizations think differently about how to involve and empower people more effectively in their care and health. As CEO of Carallel, Shara drives the company’s mission of making caregiving easier and helping caregivers provide the best support possible to their loved ones.

Contact Carallel to learn more today.

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